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Image by Isabella Jusková


One Tree Planted

"I took a walk in the woods and came out taller than the trees."


Henry David Thoreau

Choosing Change

When we start along the journey of inner transformation, we're not only committing to change in our own lives but in the lives of everyone around us too. 


We're investing in our own personal growth, confidence and abundance but make an action that ripples out to positively impact the people we meet, the actions we take, and the impact that we have on the planet.


To mark the incredible commitment that each and every one of my clients makes, and the significance of how profound this impact can be, I’m dedicated to marking this profound decision. 


Every time a woman chooses to work with me, a mangrove tree will be planted on her behalf in India, by One Tree Planted. It marks the extraordinary commitment that a woman makes to herself and her community, and an act of reciprocity in motion - giving back to the earth that holds each and every one of us.

Why Trees?

There are so many beautiful similarities between a woman's journey of personal growth and the growth of the natural world.


Trees are grounded and stoic, standing tall and weathering storms courageously. And like women, they too are the source of life and creation on the earth. In their lifetime, they cycle through the many versions of themselves; evolving, shedding and blooming as the seasons change.


I see so many similarities with women when they go on a transformational journey.


The women who work with me build a strong, stoic, unshakable foundation, a true and deep inner knowing, building rock solid confidence in who they are as a person. Along the way they develop both the courage and determination required to unapologetically go after their dreams. The storms may come and go, shaping and strengthening their foundations - proof of their own incredible resilience.

“Trees help clean the air we breathe, filter the water we drink, and provide habitat to over 80% of the world's terrestrial biodiversity. Forests provide jobs to over 1.6 billion people, absorb harmful carbon from the atmosphere, and are key ingredients in 25% of all medicines."


One Tree Planted

My trip to India


Back in 2010 I was selected to go on an expedition in the Andaman Islands in India with the world known explorer Mike Horn. It was one of the greatest experiences in my life and I will never forget what it taught me. One of the many researches and projects we worked on, on the field was in the mangrove forests. We studied the flora and fauna of the salt water Mangrove ecosystem and the effects of the tsunami which rocked this part of the world in 2004. I was able to learn about this majestic, versatile and multifaceted trees in the world’s largest contiguous mangrove forest in the world, the Sundarbans. Unfortunately this ecoregion is under constant threat due to the rapid growth of the population. 


Mangroves are incredibly versatile trees, not only have they been able to adapt themselves to living in salt water, they are also essential to help climate change and to protect entire communities, coastlines and endangered species. Mangrove trees can store up to 10 times more carbon than other trees, which makes them essential in the fight against climate change. These trees are so magnificent and they have a very special place in my heart. 


“Every year approximately 1% of the world’s mangroves are lost, mostly due to human practices like overfishing, land use changes, coastal development, and agriculture. The United Nations Environmental Programme estimates 25% of this loss is caused by shrimp farming.”


These trees have a very special place in my heart and I am so happy that years after my projects in India with Mike Horn and the Pangaea Community, I am able to support these incredibly majestic trees and the beautiful ecoregion that surrounds them. 


To learn more about my expedition click here:



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One Tree Planted

One Tree Planted has already planted 100.000 trees in the Sudnarbans of West Bengal in India.


Read more about the trees that will be planted when you work with me here or read more about the incredible nature of mangroves trees here .





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